The Cat Practice

Therapeutic Care

The Cat Practice provides incredible complementary therapy allowing your feline to heal from an array of medical conditions. With a variety of options to choose from, we’ll be able to assist you with superior therapy treatment.

Laser Therapy

When your cat is feeling pain, it affects every aspect of their life. No pet parent wants to see their furry friend suffer. If they are unable to play, eat or rest comfortably should never be ignored. Our Class 4 Laser therapy is both a safe and pain-free way to treat your cat! Whether they have a laceration or arthritis our laser therapy actually helps cats to relax during the treatment. The best part is that there is no anesthesia required! Faster healing allows your kitty to improve their nerve functions and in some cases even feel the immediate benefit after just a one or two sessions!

The three major benefits of laser therapy begin with how it open the blood vessels while simultaneously activating the lymphatic drainage system. Bruising and inflammation go down and so does your cat’s. Laser therapy then also stimulates pain signal-blocking nerve cells and finally encourages the production of endorphins, helping your cat to relax and get better quickly!

Radioactive Therapy

Hyperthyroidism is a condition that affects some older cats when the thyroid gland begins to produce too much thyroid hormone. As a result, the cat’s metabolic rate goes go into high gear, causing such symptoms as:

  • Weight loss
  • Increased appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Increased water drinking
  • Matted or greasy fur
  • Fast heart rate
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If hyperthyroidism is left untreated, it damages a cat’s organs and body systems, and can cause heart failure.

Here at the Cat Practice, we have incorporated the option of radioactive iodine therapy as part of our therapeutic choices for treating this disease. The beauty of this therapy is that owners no longer have to treat their hyperthyroid kitty with daily meds or special diets. We treat not only our patients with this method, but we receive referrals from other veterinary hospitals across the Gulf South whose clients want this service as well.

What is Radioactive Iodine Therapy?

Radioactive iodine (a substance called I-131) therapy is an alternative to performing surgery on your cat’s thyroid gland or giving your cat daily medication. Best of all, over 95% of cats are cured of hyperthyroidism with just one I-131 injection.

The thyroid gland is the only gland or organ in the body to naturally use iodine. As a result, when radioactive iodine is injected into the body, it goes right to the thyroid gland, where it’s absorbed by the hyperactive thyroid cells, destroying them.

Due to the fact that the radioactive iodine must be eliminated by the cat’s body, your kitty will spend a few days with us so that the radiation levels in your cat’s body are reduced to safe levels before we can send your cat home.

Join the The Cat Practice Family Today!

Phone: 504-525-6369

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