The Cat Practice

Pain Management

As pet parents it can feel really scary to see our pets hurt and unable to feel better on their own or even with time. Thankfully, our modern medicine and team of experts know how to tackle pain aggressively and allow your cat to feel better each day because of it. We are able to offer you and your cat a higher level of pain management specialization. If your cat is showing any signs of pain, give us a call and we can diagnose the cause of pain and recommend an appropriate pain management protocol for your feline family member.

Acute Pain Management

The Cat Practice promises to make your cat’s comfort our main priority. Our compassion for our patients doesn’t just end with diagnosis. We can provide a variety of approaches to help ease the pain and comfort your cat. Our team is ready to discuss the best options for your cat’s condition based on their diagnosis and severity of their condition.

  • The Cat Practice uses the latest analgesic drugs if you’re looking for a pharmaceutical approach.
  • We can also provide our state of the art Class 4 Laser Therapy that delivers incredible results for both pain control and healing.

Acute pain may seem complex at first to any pet parent trying to help their feline friend, but whatever injury or disease they face can be less painful with our help.

Chronic Pain Management

There is nothing worse than seeing your cat suffer with an illness that seems to not be getting any better. Felines tend to hide their pain for a while making it even harder to detect the cause at an earlier stage. Much worse, oftentimes our cats will start to show signs of pain like a lack of appetite, reluctance to move, or elimination outside of the litter box, indicating something is wrong.

The Cat Practice knows that proper pain management is the key to allowing your cat to improve their condition and maintain stability in all other areas related to their health. We can discuss any changes your feline may have and any concerns that may arise with current or future treatment.

Join the The Cat Practice Family Today!

Phone: 504-525-6369

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